Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 - Day 2

Mrs. Griffin would like to meet with next year's drivers ed students on Wednesday, June 12th from 12:25-12:55 p.m. This includes students turning 15 by April 30, 2025. Please make sure to bring a lunch that day. Congratulations to our track and field team yesterday at the District meet in Saskatoon. Many personal records were set and every team member contributed to the team's success. At the end of the day, the team finished in 6th place overall. This is an incredible accomplishment for our school. Excellent effort once again team. You made us all very proud. Special congratulations to Mason and Julie for winning the aggregate medal in their categories. And special congratulations to Michael, Kale, Morgan S, Claire, Aiden and Andrei for advancing to the provincial championship in Saskatoon on June 7th & 8th. There will be a provincial track team meeting at first recess in the gym.