Thursday, June 6th, 2024 - Day 2

Good luck to our provincial track team of Aiden, Andrei, Claire, Morgan, Kale and Michael this weekend at provincial track and field in Saskatoon! Freezies will be for sale for the last time tomorrow! $1 for a jumbo freezie!
Reminder - Lions' Journey for Sight is Saturday, June 8th at 7:00 p.m. If you collected pledges but are unable to attend, please them to school tomorrow, as Mr. Mamer will be stopping by to pick them up. If you have a pledge sheet but didn't collect any pledges, Mr. Mamer asked that the sheets be returned. Thank you! LL Coops/Greenhouse/Affinity Credit Union are hosting a barbeque at the Coop Grocery store next Thursday, June 13th. Information and order forms are being emailed to parents today. Paper copy of the order form will be handed out today for Grades 1-6. These orders will be delivered to the school. Grades 7-10 may, with parental permission, walk to the barbeque on their own. Grade 11/12 students do not need permission. Permission forms for grades 7-10 will be handed out today. All forms and payment are due Monday, June 10th. Also, the June term/final exam schedule and permission slip to leave after exams are being handed out today as well. Due date to return the permission slips is June 17th.